Informing the future management of Western Blue Groper (Achoerodus gouldii) on Wudjari Sea Country
The newly proposed Wudjari Marine Park on the south coast of Western Australia has recently closed for public submissions. This marine park will be under joint-management between Wudjari Traditional Owners (TOs) and the WA Government. A key outcome for joint-management is TO lead research and monitoring to ensure a healthy Sea Country. To meet this outcome, the Wudjari TOs have identified the Western Blue Groper as a research target due to its cultural and ecological importance, as well as its observed decline through recreational and commercial fishing.
The Blue Groper has been designated as ‘conservation dependent’, requiring ongoing monitoring and management action as a result of life-history traits that make it highly vulnerable to overexploitation. However, little historical research has been undertaken on this species to provide a baseline of abundance, size-distribution and habitat associations, all of which are key metrics by which fisheries and conservations managers rely on to ensure sustainable management. This PhD will facilitate the integration of Traditional Knowledge and Western Science to study Blue Groper by providing current data on the relative abundance, size-distribution, habitat use and preference by adapting contemporary non-extractive and novel tools which can be used in fisheries and conservation management.
About Me
Despite growing up close to the beach my love for the marine environment was only galvanised during my undergraduate study in Northern Ireland. In the marine laboratory I found like minded individuals with a passion for knowledge and I’ve never looked back. Returning to Australia, I completed my Master of Marine Biology in 2023, graduating with Distinction. I enjoy snorkelling, diving, watching Rugby Union and am a massive nerd for Tolkiens’ world.
Dr. Tim Langlois, Dr. Matt Navarro, Dr. Adrian Gleiss (Murdoch) & Doc Reynolds (Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation)
Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre
School of Biological Sciences (M470)
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009